Local Time Time Zone
Sunday, March 23, 2025

1:02:10 AM

UTC/GMT +2 hours
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Mbabane, Swaziland
is X hours ahead of you
About Swaziland Hide

CountryCode.org is your complete guide to make a call from anywhere in the world, to anywhere in the world. This page details Swaziland phone code.

The Swaziland country code 268 will allow you to call Swaziland from another country. Swaziland telephone code 268 is dialed after the IDD. Swaziland international dialing 268 is followed by an area code.

The Swaziland area code table below shows the various city codes for Swaziland. Swaziland country codes are followed by these area codes. With the complete Swaziland dialing code, you can make your international call.

Swaziland City Codes Hide
City Dial Codes
All other points +268-5 digits with no Cit
Bhunya +268-452
Big Bend +268-363
Hlathikulu +268-217
Hluthi +268-227
Lobamba +268-416
Ludzeludze +268-548
Mahamba +268-237
Mahwalala +268-472
Malkerns +268-528
Mankayane +268-538
Manzini +268-505
Maphiveni +268-373
Matsapha +268-517
Mbabane +268-404
Mhlambanyatsi +268-467
Mhlume +268-312
Mpaka +268-333
Ngwenya +268-442
Nhlangano +268-207
Nsoko +268-303
Pigg's Peak +268-437
Sidwashini +268-422
Simunye +268-382
Siphocosini +268-482
Siphofaneni +268-344
Siteki +268-343
Tshaneni +268-322
Villaverde de Guadalimar +268-67